Our Devotionals come from Love Worth Finding, the ministry founded by Adrian Rogers who has since graduated to Glory. These are so relevant even today!
Collaboration with God
March 08, 2025
“We then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain.” 2 CORINTHIANS 6:1
The effectual prayer is rooted in the purpose of God. The prayer that gets to Heaven starts in Heaven. Prayer is God’s way of getting Heaven’s will done on Earth, not man’s way of getting man’s will done in Heaven. When we pray, we close the circuit.
Why has God allowed us to pray? Prayer is so mysterious. God knows what we have need of before we ask Him so why should I ask God for what He already knows I need? Further, God loves me. Why should I have to persuade a loving God to bless me or give me what I need? Couldn’t God do it without our praying? What is the reason for prayer?
God has given us the privilege of collaborating with Him. God in His administration of the Universe has called us as laborers together with Him. Almighty God says, “Adrian, I want you to help Me run the Universe.” You say, “That’s arrogance.” Well, then blame the Apostle Paul. He said we’re “workers together with Him.” We work together with God as we work with one another, and we work with God in administrating the Universe. God wants to move through His people. We work with Almighty God through prayer.
What is your prayer life like? Do you treat prayer as a privilege?
How does God’s invitation to collaborate with Him make you feel? What are some things in which you hear Him calling you to partner with Him in prayer?
Pray the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6:9-13, concentrating on your personal eagerness to join Him in His work. Pray also for those God lays on your heart.
No Draftees in the Lord’s Army
March 07, 2025
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” ROMANS 12:1
Consecration does not mean giving God anything; it means taking your hands off what already belongs to Him. But He’s not going to make you do it. There are no draftees in our Lord’s army. Everyone is a volunteer.
This sacrifice is personal. I can’t do it for you; you can’t do it for me. You don’t need to ask, “Lord, what would You have Adrian do?” I don’t need to ask, “What would You have these people do?” Each of us must say, “Lord, today, I present myself.” A sacrifice was an animal that was slain and put on an altar. Are you willing to do that? The reason many don’t have a ministry and the reason many don’t have the anointing and power of God is because they’re not willing to die. They’re not willing to be living sacrifices.
An altar is a place to die. When you die, you have no more rights to claim. Your wife, your husband, your children, your car, your home, your ambitions, your education, your business—it all belongs to Him. God doesn’t want you take Him into your business as your partner. He’s your boss. He owns it. It is His. God will not accept half a sacrifice. Present yourself as a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable to Him.
When was the last time you presented yourself to God in this way? What are some of the things you’ve surrendered to God?
What are some of the things you have had a hard time submitting to His authority? What makes this difficult?
Talk to an accountability partner or trusted friend about the things you feel like you need to surrender to God. Ask that person to check in with you about this regularly.
What is this World Coming To?
March 06, 2025
“For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen.” ROMANS 11:36
When we read that all creation was made for God in Romans 11:36, the word “for” is the Greek preposition and it has the idea of progress or motion toward an object. The Universe came from Him; the Universe is sustained by Him; and everything comes back to Him. People ask this question; “What’s the world coming to?” It’s coming to Jesus: “For of Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things.” It’s true in the material universe.
This is also true in the spiritual universe. Think about the things we have in the spiritual universe. How did you get saved? Your salvation began in the heart and mind of God. Christ died before the foundation of the world in the heart and mind of God, and God knew you before you were born. Your salvation did not originate with you; it originated with God. “We love Him because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19). It is of Him, and then it is through Him. Jesus came to Earth, suffered, bled, and died for us on the cross, and with His royal blood, He paid the price of our salvation. And then it is to Him. Why did He do all of that? So that we could know Him, love Him, worship Him, and honor Him.
What are some of the hard things in our world that make it seem like it is moving toward disaster? How does this verse give perspective on God’s redemptive plan?
Are you moving toward Christ and knowing Him more? How so? What are some of areas where you need to move further toward Christ?
Confess to God the areas in which you have been struggling to recognize His control over the world. Consider what areas of your life need to move toward Him.
The Glue of the Galaxies
March 05, 2025
“For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.” COLOSSIANS 1:16
Every atom by nature would fly apart except that God has built into every atom an attraction that holds it together, and He has built gravitational force into the Universe. What some call the law of nature is the power of Jesus. He is the One who keeps it all together; He is the glue of the galaxies. Go out and look at the skies. We can study all about the sky and stars, but we can’t make these beautiful wonders. Yet our God has made them effortlessly.
Joyce and I took a vacation some years ago down on a little island in the Bahamas where there was no television and no air conditioning. It was just a little place there on the beach; we loved it. There was a dock out in front, and Joyce and I’d go down on the dock and look up at the stars and marvel at the Universe at night. God gives all of these stars names (Isaiah 40:26). These miraculous stars are ninety billion trillion miles away. When we remember He is the Producer and Preserver of creation on such a large scale, we are reminded that He is in control, even when all of life feels out of control.
What of God’s creation amazes you? When was the last time you worshiped God for holding together His creation?
How does knowing God is the Creator of all things change the way you look at the world and interact with it?
Step outside and look at something that God has created. Observe it and thank God for how intricately and intentionally He made it. Worship Him for holding all things together.
A Pipeline of Blessings
March 04, 2025
“I say then, have they stumbled that they should fall? Certainly not! But through their fall, to provoke them to jealousy, salvation has come to the Gentiles. Now if their fall is riches for the world, and their failure riches for the Gentiles, how much more their fullness!” ROMANS 11:11-12
One purpose of God’s salvation of Gentiles is to draw those of Jewish lineage to Him. As a Jew, Paul became the apostle to the Gentiles, and you and I have been blessed by the mysterious plan of God. But God says that blessing came about in a strange way—the Jews turned from the Gospel and the Gentiles were blessed.
Israel was not to be just a reservoir into which God poured His blessings, but the pipeline through which God dispersed His blessings. God said to Abraham, “Abraham, through you all the nations of the world shall be blessed” (Genesis 12:3, author’s paraphrase). God says, in effect, “If I have prophesied that the Gentiles would be saved”—and they have been saved—“how much more, then, will I keep My Word to Israel and bring them back to Me?”
God keeps His promises. He is not done in His work of redemption. We are called to live out His Great Commission to the Jew and the Gentile.
Who can you share the Gospel with? How are you taking steps toward that?
How has your life been affected by God’s plant of redemption?
Pray for the unbelievers you know. Ask God to equip you and give you opportunities to share about Him with others.
Wild Olive Trees
March 03, 2025
“For if the firstfruit is holy, the lump is also holy; and if the root is holy, so are the branches. And if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, and with them became a partaker of the root and fatness of the olive tree, do not boast against the branches. But if you do boast, remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you.” ROMANS 11:16-18
God prophesied that the Jewish people would be disobedient; they would be disbursed; they would be discredited, but they would not be destroyed. The king of Egypt could not diminish them; the Red Sea could not drown them; Jonah’s whale could not digest them; the fiery furnace could not devour them; the gallows of Haman could not hang them; and the nations of the world cannot assimilate God’s ancient people, the Jews. They have known all kinds of persecution, but in these verses, we see God’s preserving power. He has a remnant according to grace.
We who are Gentiles have been grafted in. We have entered into Israel’s blessings. We’re the wild olive tree. I was speaking to some Jewish rabbis, and they were saying “We don’t think you should proselytize us.” I said, “You proselytized me.” I belong in that olive tree only by the grace of God. I’m rooted in Abraham just as every Jew is rooted in Abraham. God has made salvation accessible to all of us. He has shared His blessing with us—not based on where we come from but on who we run to. Let’s run to Christ and share in His blessing
How does God’s preservation of His people give you hope in the difficult things you are facing right now?
Think of those in your life who don’t know Christ? How can you share His hope with them?
Pray for the Jewish people in your community. Ask God to work on their hearts so they will know Jesus as the Messiah.
A Fully Committed Life
March 02, 2025
“Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” COLOSSIANS 3:2-3
Many of us talk about Jesus being our Savior but we fail to also confess Him as Lord. That means to take yourself off the throne of your life and put Jesus Christ there. Salvation is not just some intellectual belief that you tack on; it is committing everything to the Lord Jesus.
Imagine there’s been a wedding, and the newlyweds, Sue and Bill, are driving away from the celebration. Sue says to Bill, “It was a beautiful wedding. I just enjoyed it so much. Now, Bill, will you take me home?” He replies, “Sue, we can’t go home yet, the house is not ready.” Then Sue says, “I don't mean that home, I mean my home. I want you to take me back to my mother. I have accepted you as my husband, but I want to go back to normal. Don’t expect me to change the way I’ve been living. I hope to see you on weekends if it’s convenient. I’m glad that you’re committed to taking care of me. So, Bill, if I’m sick or need money or have any problems, you know I can call on you because, after all, I’ve taken you as my husband. But you need to take your hands off my life.” What kind of a marriage would that be? It’s the same kind of salvation some people think they have. It doesn’t work. Jesus’ lordship must change your life. Set your mind fully on Him because you are now hidden in Him.
Why is it easier to accept Jesus as Savior than as Lord? Are you sure you have accepted Him as both? Explain.
What are some ways Jesus’ lordship has changed your life? What are some things that have been slower to change?
Surrender to God the areas in which you have been hesitant to submit to His lordship.
Dr. Law and Dr. Grace
March 01, 2025
“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.”
A Baptist preacher once said, “I was doing things before I was saved that I should not have been doing. My eyes were watching things; my hands were handling things; and my feet were going places that were all wrong. So, I found a doctor I thought could help me. I went to Doctor Law and said, ‘I’ve got a hand problem. My hands are handling things they ought not to handle.’ And Doctor Law said, ‘No, the problem is not your hands; the problem is your heart.’ ‘What about my foot problem? They’re going places they ought not to go.’ ‘No. You’ve got a heart problem and it’s fatal.’ Panicked I asked, ‘Well, Doctor Law, can you cure me?’ ‘Oh, no, I can’t cure you. I don’t cure anybody. All I do is diagnose.’ So, I asked him what to do so he said, ‘Find Doctor Grace.’ So, I went to Doctor Grace. Doctor Grace opened the door kindly and I exclaimed, ‘Can you help me?’ He said, ‘Yes I can.’ I asked, ‘What medicine are you going to give me?’ And he said, ‘I’m not going to give you any medicine; I’m going to give you a transplant; I am going to give you a new heart!’ I wanted to know, ‘Will it hurt?’ Doctor Grace said, ‘It might.’ I asked, ‘What will it cost?’ And Doctor Grace replied, ‘Not a thing in the world.’”
When we have Doctor Grace, we get a new heart. He gets to the root of the problem, and He sets you free. This is the gift of Christ we all need.
What areas of sin do you struggle with? How have you been trying to solve them?
How has your life been different since you received a heart of flesh from Jesus? How has this new heart changed your struggle with sin?
Pray and thank God for giving you a new heart.
Don’t Put Your Faith in Faith
February 28, 2025
“For the Scripture says, ‘Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.’ For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. For ‘whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.’”
ROMANS 10:11-13
Don’t put faith in faith, put faith in Jesus. The devil used to ask me, “Adrian, how do you know you really believe enough?” I learned how to turn the tables on him. I would say, “You know, devil, you’re right. My faith is weak, but Jesus is wonderful. I’m not putting my faith in my faith. I’m putting my faith in Jesus.” Don’t look at your looking; don’t put faith in faith, put faith in Jesus. Faith in faith is positive thinking. Faith in Jesus is salvation.
Now the object of faith is God. So, what should be your ambition? To know God! That’s the reason the Bible says we’re to be, “Looking unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2). If you look to yourself, you’re going to be discouraged and weak. Put your eyes on Him. Your great need today is to come to know Him.
The more you know about Him, the more you’re going to find faith as the byproduct of your heart. When you look to Jesus, when you discover the God of the Bible, when you come to see Him, you’re going to find out that faith is obvious in your heart and in your life.
When has your faith felt weak? Why? How did you get through that time?
How are faith in Jesus and faith in faith different? How has God helped you put your faith in Jesus?
Spend extra time with God in His Word to learn more about Him today.
A Nice Car on the Wrong Road
February 27, 2025
“Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith.” PHILIPPIANS 3:8-9
This passage is confusing to many of us. We ask “How could Paul put striving to keep the Ten Commandments and being religious on the negative side? It may not get him to Heaven, but at least those are good things.” But Paul said, “No. I count all these things but loss.” Why? Because those were the things he trusted in that kept him from the Lord.
Once, I had an engagement in South Florida. I rented a car, and it was nicer than I expected, so I was happy to have it. It was one of those beautiful Florida days, so I turned on the stereo, and I found the most gorgeous music. The road I was on was incredible too, very little traffic. After I had driven about two hours, I said, “I should be there already. This doesn’t look familiar. Something is wrong.” And then it dawned on me. I was going the wrong way. I was on the wrong road. The good car and the music and all these things that might be good were bad, because they distracted me, and I went in the wrong direction. That’s what religion is without the Lord. The worst form of badness is human goodness, if human goodness keeps you from salvation.
What are some good things that could distract us from God?
What things are distracting you from God right now? How can you address those distractions?
Write down a list of good things that could potentially distract you from God. Circle the ones that you struggle with the most. Pray and surrender those things to God.
A Gift for the Guilty
February 26, 2025
“Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.”ROMANS 10:1-4
Many in the world believe salvation is rooted in the merit of Man. If you were to walk up and down the streets of any city and ask people, “Are you going to Heaven?” many will say, “I hope so.” And if you were to ask, “Why?” they would likely say something like, “I’m trying to live as best I know how.” They think salvation is a reward for the righteous. But salvation is not a reward for the righteous; salvation is a gift for the guilty. If you don’t understand that, you are never going to receive salvation. Paul wrote about his brothers in the flesh, people of the Jewish nation, that they were very religious and zealous but still misunderstood righteousness.
Many people in our culture are strutting to Hell—not because they’re drunkards, not because they’re thieves, but because they think they’re too good to be condemned. They trust in their own religion and good deeds. You are not good enough for Heaven. You need Jesus, not just for getting to Heaven but for every day you live on Earth.
What is dangerous about depending on your good merit for salvation? How does the fact that salvation is a gift for the guilty give you hope?
Who is someone who needs to know this hope? How can you share this with that person?
Share the hope of this gift with someone who is struggling. Pray with and for that person and share your testimony of putting your trust in Christ.
The Stubborn Clay
February 25, 2025
“You will say to me then, ‘Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will?’ But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, ‘Why have you made me like this?’ Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor? What if God, wanting to show His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath prepared for destruction?” ROMANS 9:19-22
Some people have the idea that God says, “I’m going to make two vessels. I’m going to make a vessel to send to Heaven. I’m going to make another vessel to send to Hell. People are just like clay, and I’m the potter. So, I’m going to make vessels and determine where they go.” Is that how God is displayed in the Bible and specifically in the Book of Romans? No! What potter would ever make a vessel just so he could destroy it? Can you imagine a potter in a potter’s shop making a bunch of vessels and setting them on a shelf, and then taking a stick and breaking them all to pieces?
The reason that some vessels were destroyed in the above passage is they did not realize the purpose of the potter. Look in the passage where it says, “Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, ‘Why have you made me like this?’” It doesn’t say the thing created, but the thing formed. Here God is shaping, and some will not take the shaping. God is longsuffering. God is forming and working, but these vessels of wrath are not yielding to the hands of the potter. Will you let God form you instead of insisting on your own way?
How do we yield to God’s forming? How do we know who He is forming us to be like?
What are some things God has put on your heart that you have resisted?
Surrender to God and ask Him to help you to obey where you have been resisting Him.
God is Not Fair
February 24, 2025
“But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit.”
TITUS 3:4-5
God is sovereign. He does as He pleases. God answers to no one. We must respect that God is God. And remember this: God is not fair; God is just. If you think God has to be fair, you’re thinking God owes you something. If you don’t get it, you’re all upset. And if somebody else gets it before you do, or gets more than you do, then you’re upset because you think that God owes you something. God doesn’t owe us anything but judgment. God is not fair; He is just. When you realize that God is just and understand this rightly, then mercy is going to mean something to you.
God’s mercy is not rooted in Man’s merit. God’s mercy is found in God. If you want mercy, you can have it. God wills to show you mercy when you come to Him. He is a merciful God.
When have you compared your life to others’ and struggled with the fairness of it? What did they have that you wanted? How are fairness and justice different?
What was a time you were upset with or disappointed by God? While it is okay to be honest about our feelings with God, what is dangerous about having an entitled attitude or approach to God?
Pray for a friend who is struggling. Ask God to make His mercy evident to that person.